Since 2017, we could share about 800 colouring books together with small packages of colour pencils. We shared them everywhere on Madagascar – from Kirindy in the west to Vohimana in the east, from Diego Suarez in the north to Isalo in the South. They children’s eyes shined and gleamed everywhere and the joy we brought was amazing. And the joy lastet long, because the colouring books cannot be filled in one hour. Even parents had a lot of fun with our colouring books, read them to their children and spoke about the animals they had seen in the wild. They also got into discussion whether Aye-Ayes might be not that evil as they thought. Meanwhile there is already a second edition of the colouring book with more animals – and of course we have been asked if there will be a third one soon…?
But what do you have to do with all this ?It is easy: Each booking at TANALAHORIZON funds a part of our colouring books. Naturally, you are also welcome to donate for the books, just contact us! In this project, no Cent is lost for anything else than printing or pencils. We share the books on our photo travels in spring and autum or rather any time when we have some free kilos luggage left for flights.